"La Cosecha", la nueva producción de KinematicKillers, en la que tres inadaptados pasan el tiempo como pueden durante el confinamiento por la pandemia. Hasta que deciden jugar a "La Cosecha" .......con consecuencias imprevisibles.

"The Harvest", the new Kinematickillers´s production, in wich three misfits spend their time as best as they can during the confinement due to the pandemic. Until they decide to play "The Harvest"... with unpredictable consequences.

¡ Stardeep Transporter ha sido seleccionado para la sección oficial del Balticon Short Film Festival 57 en Baltimore, USA , Todo un exito! Enhorabuena y suerte!

Stardeep Transporter has been selected for the official section of the Balticon Short Film Festival 57 in Baltimore, USA! A great succesfull,congratulations and good luck !

In 2023, the Balticon Sunday Short Science Fiction Film Festival (BSSSFFF) will take place on Sunday evening at 7:00pm. We will thrill festival attendees with independently produced short films from around the region and across the globe